What you are searching for is within you.

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I help people create lasting change in their lives so they can live more authentically - grounded by values, nurtured by purpose, enriched by connection.

Infinite possibility awaits

You are a badass. On paper, life is good. You're successful, despite a handful of obstacles you've encountered along the way. Much of the time, you're good at things. When you're not, it’s your nature to take the time and effort to improve.

You've spent much of your life achieving, people pleasing, and doing. Your competitive nature and inner warrior have served you well, but perfectionism has sometimes hindered your progress. You're overworked, stressed out, and scattered. You're drained, running on empty.

There's a TON for which to be grateful, but the whole truth is that something's missing. Despite how hard you've worked, despite your success, deep down you can feel a longing for something more - something different.

Fear, overwhelm, doubt, stress, and confusion are dragging you down. They’re draining your energy.

Your loved ones know how courageous, determined, adventurous, creative, disciplined, and good-hearted you are. But you are blocked from feeling and believing it.

Woman in nature
Blue Egg on Brown Wooden Chopping Board
Green nature

Perhaps you know what you need to change, but you don't know how.

Or you know what you need to do, but you’ve been lacking the commitment to follow through.

Maybe you just don't know where to start.

You’ve been keeping promises to everyone but yourself.

Maybe you've been invisible - you've lost your identity to your career, to one of the roles in your life, to a collection of commitments - and you long for more balance.

Despite making some progress in some areas of your life, you sometimes fall back into old patterns or beliefs. You feel like you’ve tried a million different times, a million different ways. But what you want just isn’t sticking.

You’re not a failure. You just don’t have the tools you need. Who would?

We aren’t ever handed a guidebook for life. There isn’t a class that teaches us how to build better habits, how to navigate change, how to cultivate joy, and so many other skills.

As with most other things in life, we need to learn techniques that will serve us in the ways that we need.

Awaken Your Purpose and Passion

Something is shifting. You can feel it. You don't want the same things you wanted before. What you thought mattered most is not what you thought it would be.

You don't mind working hard - it's not that at all. But you're tired of powering through like you always have.

You’ve spent so much energy running away from what you want because the other obligations, duties, and loyalties in life take priority out of necessity.

You want to run toward something more meaningful.

Why not try the one thing you haven't tried before - slow down. Find stillness. Listen, truly listen.

You know what's best for you. You just haven't been listening.

If your life doesn't light you up, it's time for a change.


Become the Hero of your Journey

Even Olympians work with Coaches. Even the best of the best know that they can improve. And the best way to improve is to work with a coach. Coaches help you stay motivated, be accountable, and achieve your goals. They will give you an edge and will always inspire you to reach your full potential.

It can be difficult to see ourselves clearly. Limiting beliefs, old self-perceptions, low confidence, stress, can all cloud the lens through which we view our current selves. These obstacles can stifle our ability and readiness to change and grow.

You don’t have to do this alone.

That’s where working with a coach can make a difference. A coach can help shine a light on your path to help clear the clutter in your way.

Every problem we face in life is asking us to become more conscious.

The work we’ll do will free up that draining energy and replace it with purpose and direction. You’ll gather new perspectives of yourself that you’ll tuck safely into a quiver, at your disposal whenever you need to call on them.

Unrecognizable photographer sitting at table while checking photo on camera
Lake Tahoe at Sunset
Joyful woman in nature

The Work

Coaching is a partnership. Success depends on you being honest with yourself, being ready to take action, and being open to real work - deep work.

In the coaching partnership, we move through inquiry to discern which of the aspects of life would most greatly benefit from focused attention.

The first step in coaching is to pay attention to the desires and disruptions in your life. Those observations shine a light on insights, which then command reflection, consideration, and action.

At the heart of this process are self awareness, honesty, and commitment. They’re essential for achieving lasting change.

For that reason, we explore all parts of you - including the parts that revert to old patterns, get in your way, keep you from reaching your potential, and prevent you from doing the things you love.

Uncover your Best Self

Health coaching is a proven, holistic, evidence-based approach that’s rooted in mindfulness and draws upon the tenets of many disciplines, including positive psychology, neuroscience, and behavior change.

Coaching will serve as a mirror for you to reflect on who you are and who you want to be.

It focuses on your strengths and where you are, rather than focusing on what you need to “fix” and where you’ve been.

We’ll get clear about where you are now and where you want to go.

Your role is to show up authentically and to remain open minded and committed to growth.

Listening to our intuition and then taking deliberate action is what enables us to live a life with purpose and intention.

This work is highly personal, insightful, fun, and it can sometimes be challenging and uncomfortable. We'll chase the edges of where you can grow, and we'll take steps toward you being able to live more fully and authentically.

Man Climbing a Mountain
Aerial View of Mountains and Lake

I believe that each of us has a wealth of experience and wisdom within, but many of us need support and encouragement to learn how to live a life sourced from that wisdom and experience.

Together, we will:

  • Cut through the noise and overwhelm to uncover your deepest needs and what's keeping you from meeting them.
  • Identify your strengths and how you can channel them to break destructive patterns in your life.
  • Dig deep to explore what's possible for you.
  • Seek out your growth edges - and push toward them.
  • Identify and plan for obstacles.
  • Add joy, peace, and tangible progress to your daily life.
  • Never give up - We’ll always keep going.

As your coach, I will:

  • Provide a safe, non-judgmental space for you to be your full self.
  • Listen carefully and ask purposeful questions that will foster insight.
  • Serve as your biggest fan as well as your accountability partner.
  • Support you in gaining clarity, dreaming big, planning well, and taking empowered action.

You can do this.

Aerial View of Mountains and Lake
Man Seating in the Rail Way Near Body of Water

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Howard Thurman

Hi! I’m Malia

All my work is devoted to empowering you with the confidence to trust your intuition and to boldly take steps toward living a life of purpose and fulfillment.

We’ll start by clarifying your values, crafting your goals, and identifying roadblocks. We then design an actionable plan and take steps to take to elevate you to where you want to be.

I'll guide you as you uncover a stable inner refuge within yourself. One that you can turn to anytime, anywhere. One that will help you navigate more smoothly through the situations in your life.

I'm here to remind you that you already have within you everything you need to live a life full of joy and authenticity.

In working with me, you'll create new behaviors and new neural pathways, paving the way to discover new solutions that will serve your highest self.

Only you have the conviction to be true to yourself and listen to your heart. Live from this place. You owe it to yourself.

Nature Photoghapy

Let’s Begin

Are you Ready For It?

Coaching is a powerful method of accelerating your personal growth.

I’ll support you in gaining clarity on your most important goals, to foster insight, and to trust yourself to take right action. We’ll dig deep and explore what’s possible.

Lavender Flowers in the Field

1-1 Coaching

Together, we’ll transform areas of dissatisfaction into sources of joy, peace, and fulfillment.

Nautilus Shell


Powerful topical group seminars, workshops offer an in-depth spotlight on areas of improvement.

Leaf Detail


Choose from a la carte options, focus on a series, or gain access to the entire library.

Here’s What We’ll Do Together

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Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline
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Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline
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Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline
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Clarify your vision and values

Build a Roadmap

Anticipate and troubleshoot obstacles

Create lasting and meaningful change

Areas of Focus

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Stress Reduction and Management

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Deepen Relationships

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Improve Nutrition

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Cultivate Resilience

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Purpose and Fulfillment

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Build Confidence

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Career and Life Transitions

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Boost Self Care

client feedback

“Our exercise yesterday was so powerful for me that I’ve decided to do it to process a bunch of other memories that I now realize have been bouncing around in my consciousness causing me to be held back professionally because of being distracted by a memory of imperfection. In my yoga world, this would mena you have helped me remove an obstacle (or blocker) from my path forward. Thank you!”

Beach Under Golden Hour


Malia Fischer

"What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Get Started Now

For years, I bore the weight of self-doubt - facing low self-esteem, self-sabotage, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs.

I struggled with self-acceptance, belonging, and living authentically.

I often felt lost and without a sense of purpose or direction. These feelings are what began my healing journey.

Beginning in high school, I felt very drawn to learning about philosophy, spirituality, psychology, personal growth, fitness, nutrition.

In my 20s, I embarked on a journey within to answer for myself who I was, what I believed, and how I wanted to move through the world.

While on that path, I also absorbed as much information as I could from books, from teachers, from self reflection.

I wanted to better understand myself, my patterns, my dreams, and why change was difficult.

During these years, I was drifting.

water surface


My life decisions were reactive, rather than proactive.

I was bobbing on the waves, riding them wherever they took me.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a firm believer in “going with the flow”, but this was different.

Instead of consciously surrendering to the current, I was giving my life over to it.

I had no agency. I wasn’t a participant in my life. I was confused, unsure, and I didn’t like making decisions. So I avoided them. I was non-committal, wanting to please everyone but pleasing no one - especially myself.

I literally felt like I was on autopilot. Not only did I not have my hands on the wheel, I was not in the driver’s seat, and I wasn’t even in the car.

In this state of suspended animation, I even ended up spending my career in positions of service - Customer service, Recruiting, HR - and the last person I was serving was myself! I was good at what I did - my perfectionistic, achievement-oriented, people pleasing side wouldn’t have it any other way.

Close-up of Butterfly Wing on Blur Background

It’s Time

It was after years of putting others first that I realized I was long overdue for a reality check. It was time for something different. I wasn’t anywhere close to being happy, nor fulfilled. Something wasn’t working.

It wasn’t one cataclysmic event that rocked my world. Rather, it was very much the culmination of years of whispers that I wasn’t listening to. I was “functioning” well with two long term health issues.

But I didn’t want to “function”, and I didn’t want to “survive”.

I wanted to thrive. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life treating my symptoms.

I wanted to find the root causes of my situation and do my best to transform those into bright spots in my life, hopefully sucking the oxygen from the other, dreary forces in my life.

Then one day, I really started listening. I started practicing meditation and yoga to still my mind and move more into my body. Creating this space in my mind provided a blank space for clarity to materialize.

One of the first practices I enlisted was to pause after a limiting belief popped into my head. That way, I could stop long enough to reject them when they arose. My previous habit was to hear the thought and go along with it, beating myself up on the way.

I observed my fears so I could notice when and where they were coming up and getting in my way.

Once I slowed down, I experienced a handful of “aha” moments. I started hearing whispers. I had fleeting glimpses into the luminous, blissful, triumphant feelings I wanted to experience.

Through the inner work I was doing, I was able to recognize and break free from thoughts and behaviors that were not serving me.

I came to embrace myself as a constant in my life. A resource that could be an unwavering wellspring of love, support, and wisdom.

I discovered what self love felt like. I learned how to create a life that works for me.

“We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.”

Taoist Proverb

Landscape nature
Sunlight in Sky and Calm Sea

“Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in”

Leonard Cohen

I took a fresh look at my career, and after reflecting (very deliberately, methodically, and obsessively)...

I realized that there was a much more powerful way that I could serve others. A way that was (dare I say - perfectly?!?) aligned with my values, strengths, and passions.

That’s when I discovered Integrative Health Coaching, and I dove right in. In 2018, I studied Integrative Health Coaching through Duke IM, where I earned my certification.

I chose Duke because of their holistic approach, backed by neuroscience and supported by behavior based research.

The Duke program taught me their proven method and catalyzed for me that I could apply my corporate experience toward coaching. It highlighted for me that the things to which I was drawn in the corporate world - interviewing, training, personal improvement - were all stops on the path to coaching.

The way may not always be clear, but the steps we take will get us where we need to be.

green plant leaves textured in the nature, green background

I am absolutely passionate about personal growth, and I love seeing what clients accomplish once they commit to making positive change and learn to believe in themselves.

Together, we’ll push past your boundaries, get you out of your comfort zone, and chase the goals and dreams that have eluded you for too long.

I know how it feels to struggle with confidence and motivation.

I know what it's like when the loudest voice in your head is your own inner critic.

I know how it feels to want more for yourself, only to feel overwhelmed on where to start or how to follow through. ​

I’ve been there. I’ve done the work. I’m still a work in progress.

My journey through life has taught me some hard lessons - that’s true of us all.

But it’s often the pain in life that wakes us up and points us in the right direction.

In my case, it’s led me to guide other self-aware individuals to live every day with positivity, gratitude, and joy.

RV Parked Near Ocean at Sunset

I broke free from old patterns, and now I've made it my mission to help you do the same.

I want to remind you that the answers you seek are already within you.

I am a guide and coach to help you get closer to your inner truth where transformations will evolve into fulfillment.

It would be my joy and honor to walk with you on your path.

The only way around is through.

With Compassion,


Person Standing Beside Waterfalls



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